Davis' budget solution: Appearing on television
July 05, 2003
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with everything else, his popularity has hit record lows. However, Davis has appeared oddly optimistic. Many around the governor credit his wife, Sharon Davis, with keeping him on an even keel.
"I have not seen him down," Zingale said. "I think most people see this about him: He's a tank. There aren't many mercurial shifts."
Sharon Davis said her husband doesn't complain. Away from the office, the couple enjoys renting movies or returning home to Los Angeles, where the gyrations of state government and Davis' political fortunes are not the hot topics they are in Sacramento.
"I think people think it consumes your life, but it doesn't," Sharon Davis said.
The two have endured many political highs and lows over the years, she said.
"It's never been a cakewalk for him," Sharon Davis said. "He's never been the golden boy who had things just handed to him."
Now Davis has the difficult task of whipping up support from a public that has indicated it's prepared to dump him as governor. But at this stage of the budget stalemate, Davis has few options.
"Ultimately," McFadden said, "the real pressure comes from people, and that's why he (Davis) has to be so public."
Andrew LaMar covers state government and politics. Reach him at 916-441-2101 or alamar@cctimes.com